Winners of the competition

  • Kateryna Barynova
  • Oleksandr Burlayenko
  • Borys Knysh
  • Vsevolod Yeroshenko 


LIA IDEATE, CNRS, CEA, Paris-Sud University, French Embassy and French Institute in Ukraine organise a first competition of students’ projects on LIA-associated topics:

  • Nuclear physics,
  • High-energy physics,
  • Medical physics,
  • Instrumentation and accelerator techniques,
  • Experimental platforms.

To participate, students are invited to send before February 15, 2018 an outline of their project (1 page maximum) to


When sending a project for a competition, please clearly indicate:

  1. your full name,
  2. your university name,
  3. your level (Bachalor, Master, PhD, which year),
  4. your contact details (address, email, phone).

Pre-selected candidates will present their projects at the mini-conference organised on March 7, 2018 in the French Institute in Kiev.

Authors of the three best projects will be invited to visit Laboratory of Linear Accelerator (LAL) in Orsay and CERN during the week of June 25, 2018.

Webmaster: C. Bourge (CNRS/LAL) Frontier Theme